Learning Intentions Quick Check.pdf

Module 3: Learning Intentions

"Learning intentions have a priming effect on learners.  They signal to the students what they will be learning or what they have learned." - Teacher Clarity Playbook, page 20


Learning Intentions Overview

This module we build on the unpacking work in the previous modules.  Now that we have our concepts and skills and our learning progressions.  We now need to break that down into lesson-sized chunks that we can share with students in daily statements of learning.  Each statement shows what a student is expected to learn in a given lesson and will ultimately connect to success criteria in the next module.  

Learning intentions should be in student-friendly language that is developmentally appropriate for your grade level so you can communicate these intentions/goals with your students effectively.  Learning intentions shouldn't just be referenced at the beginning of a lesson, but revisited throughout the lesson as well.

Planning Resources

Learning Intentions Checklist

Use the checklist to the left to ensure your learning intentions are high quality and functioning for your students.  It can be used as a self-reflection and check-in throughout the process as well as evidence of reflective practice.

Additional Resources

Secondary Example