Language Expectations Quick Check.pdf

Module 5: Language Expectations

"Every aspect of learning includes a linguistic demand, be it reading, writing, speaking, listening, or viewing. . . understanding the linguistic demand of the content is critical for master of the learning intention. . ." - Teacher Clarity Playbook, page 42


Language Expectations Overview

This module helps teachers to focus on the linguistic demands of a standard and further expand on learning intentions. Teachers are asked to consider three types of language:

Language expectations are beneficial for all students, not just English learners. Language expectations are also helpful for determining the type of data a teacher should be collecting to determine if students have achieved the learning intention.  For example, if you language expectation addresses vocabulary then checking for understanding should include vocabulary.

Planning Resources

Learning & Language Intentions

The document above highlights the four questions we should ask as teachers when considering Language Expectations with our Learning Intentions:

It also includes various resources supporting each of the four questions to create Language Expectations that align with your Learning Intentions to support all students.

Additional Resources

Elementary Example

Secondary Example