Assessment Quick Check.pdf

Module 7: Assessment (Feedback)

"No lesson should occur without gathering and analyzing some form of data to signal what it is that students currently know and do not know." - Teacher Clarity Playbook, page 70


Assessment Overview

This module looks at formative assessment.  Every lesson should include a formative check, however these can occur in may different forms:

The goal is to make sure that  learning is happening and to make instructional decisions based on what is happening in the classroom.

Planning Resources

CAST- UDL 10 Tips for Assessment.pdf

The document above offers ten tips for classroom assessments using Universal Design for Learning, which highlights flexible choices for students to demonstrate their learning and making sure assessments are meaningful and grounded in the standards.

Student Dialogue as Assessment

The document above includes resources for using student dialogue or discussion as a means of formative assessment.  Student dialogue can be a powerful tool in the classroom and it can be tracked and measured as a meaningful formative assessment opportunity.  Use the above resources to help facilitate.

Additional Resources

Elementary Example

Secondary Example