Success Criteria Quick Check.pdf

Module 4: Success Criteria

"The success criteria provide a means for students and the teacher to gauge progress toward learning, thereby making learning visible to the teacher and the student." - Teacher Clarity Playbook, page 30


Success Criteria Overview

This module focuses on making learning visible to students by crafting success criteria in a way that allows students to be able to track whether or not they have reached the learning goals.  They provide:

Success criteria are often 'I can' statements but can also be rubrics, checklists, or statements of what has been learned.

Planning Resources

Success Criteria Checklist

The document above is an example student success criteria checklist with example learning intentions included.

Blank Success Criteria Checklist

Use the above blank student success criteria checklist to share learning intentions and success criteria with your students.

Success Criteria Tracker Sheets

Use the above blank student criteria tracker to keep track of student progress for different success criteria during or after a lesson.

Additional Resources

Elementary Example

Secondary Example